There is a good reason I've never heard of it. It's only their second year. There is plenty of things I don't post in my blog. The thought of getting away for a few hours and maybe seeing a friend or two was very appealing. I missed the opening by only about 5 minutes but there was no one at the gate so I was not expecting a large show.

Well I significantly underestimated with my first impressions. It's huge in relation to the three fairs I recently attended. Just when I thought I was to the outskirts, cross a bridge and there is more. So much more in fact that I missed a considerable amount of the acts. A second visit is in order.

Of course part of my delay in doing my usual show to show to show thing was the fact there were so many people there I knew. It would appear that I was way late in finding out about this fair. So many of my friends back for a second year I don't know how I missed the memo.

I took a good amount of photos between hugs and conversations. For the rest of them [click here]. I did not necessarily post the best ones in this blog. I posted the ones I found in social media as profile pictures, show promotions, commented on, or shared multiple times. All in just 3 days.

It's not as important to me to take the perfect photo as it is to capture the perfect moment that means something to someone else. I notice in every photo the smiles. Well that's exactly how it felt on this side of the camera too.

Sometimes life goes a little sideways. The details don't matter. Happens to everyone. I suggest spending a full day with the most pleasant, uplifting, entertaining, and happy people you can find. Just eight hours with my friends at Brevard's Renaissance Fair and I have been smiling non stop for days.

If you are reading this today, you have two more weekends for some fair therapy. So quit posting your political memes and get some fresh air. Maybe make a few new friends. Make a difference and support your local artists and entertainers. I've been doing it over 20 years now and I'm the happiest person I know even on my worst days.
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